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開催方法Zoom配信 (下記のアドレスにアクセスください) 

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<11月25日:SDGsオンライン座談会 Zoomアドレス>
ミーティングID: 813 0820 1913
パスコード: 655999

    Event Participation Form

    I'm a member of Peace & Nature

    Participation Agreement

    Peace & Nature (P&N), a non-profit organization, will do its best to ensure that all participants can engage in meaningful and safe activities, but we also ask that participants themselves acknowledge the following points and submit a "Participation Agreement" form. In order to continue to enjoy our activities with the children and everyone else, please understand the contents of the precautions, agree to them, and take responsibility for your own participation.

    Read Participation Agreement here

    Please Accept

    Lastly, P&N hopes to continue to enjoy our activities together with you. In order to do so, we need your understanding and cooperation. We would appreciate it if each member and participant could think and devise ways to make the time together enjoyable! Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    I confirm that I have read and agree to the above information and that I participate at my own risk in the project organized by Peace & Nature, a non-profit organization. If I am a minor, my parent or guardian agrees and signs the form together with me.