SDGs Action Workshop – Jan 23rd – Making safe and secure fermented foods (making miso and natto)
On January 23, we will try our hand at making miso and natto under the guidance of Mr. Aizawa, who produces organic fermented soybeans and was featured on the Mainichi Broadcasting System’s “Chichin Pui Pui” program. We look forward to your participation.

Date] Sunday, January 23, 2022, 10:00 – 15:00
Place] Peace & Nature OZO Base (47 Hinishihara, OZO-cho, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi)
(Parking area: Kishimoto Kichiji Shoten Komotaru Factory)
【Guidance】 Mr. Katsuya Aizawa (Representative of Aizawa Shokusan)
【Participation Fee] Members: 1,500 yen (Elementary school students and younger: 500 yen)
Members: 1,500 yen (elementary school students and younger: 500 yen) General: 3,000 yen (elementary school students and younger: 1,000 yen)
All participants will be given materials and will be asked to take some home with them.
10:00 Registration (OZO Base) 12:00 Lunch, Lecture by Aizawa
10:20 Opening 13:00 Continuation of Making Miso and Natto
10:40 Making Miso and Natto 15:00 Closing
(The schedule may change depending on the situation of the day.)
What to bring
Drink, lunch box, hat, towel, mask
(Please note that there will be no convenience store in this area.) Since the event will be held at the Corona disaster site, we ask for your cooperation in disinfecting the site and filling out the health check sheet.
(If your body temperature is over 37.5℃, you may not be able to participate.)