P&N endorses the Climate Change Initiative (JCI) and actively promotes efforts to combat climate change! The Japan Climate Change Initiative (JCI), which Peace & Nature (P&N) endorsed last January, has now released a message to realize the Paris Agreement: “Now is the time to accelerate deployment of renewable energy: call for stronger climate action even amid the energy crisis”.
The message calls for the “Clean Energy Strategy” being developed by the government to focus on promoting the development of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, and to enable the introduction of 40-50% renewable energy by 2030 (an ambitious level that is commensurate with the roles and responsibilities of a developed country comparable to those of Europe and the United States). Currently, 285 organizations including P&N (201 companies, 15 local governments, and 69 other organizations, NPOs, NGOs, etc.) have pledged their support.
P&N is working to develop green leaders through various hands-on activities related to the SDGs, and has launched the 10,000 Tree Planting Project (Green Wave Project (Green Wave Project) as the most important target. We will work together with schools, companies, organizations, and foreign residents, and have fun together while focusing on the issue of climate change.
We will provide 10 saplings free of charge to schools, organizations, and companies for planting trees in areas other than private areas such as parks, riversides, and mountain trails, etc. We hope that you will join us in this Green Wave Project and work together to address climate change issues. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.